We run Alpha twice a year at GCF, in the spring and the fall. It's the best place to come to get acquainted with GCF or with the basics of the Christian faith. Come out and meet people, share experiences and ask questions. No pressure, no follow-up and no charge.

Have you missed us this spring? Plan now to come in the fall. We usually start in late September/early October; dates will be available here, come back and check in September!

For those participating this spring:

The episode we skipped, Episode 7, How Does God Guide Us, is posted above. I hope you'll all have a chance to check it out, it's a good one!

Click here to rewatch Episode 6 (Reading the Bible), here for Episode 8 (Who is the Holy Spirit) and Episode 9 (What Does the Holy Spirit Do). 

If you've been inspired by Episode 6 to read the Bible more often...here are links to some favourite resources:

Nicky's Bible in One Year: available as an app or in a lot of other formats including podcast

YouVersion Bible App: access to lots reading plans on all kind of topics

Lectio 365: a daily guide that walks you through reflection and prayer prompts focusing on a few brief passages 

First15: similar to Lectio 365 but chooses a selection of verses on a theme rather than two passages and also includes a worship song each day

Bible Project: video overviews of books of the Bible....great for getting an understanding of the context and main messages of books of the Bible; lots of other great resources available here too

If you're looking to purchase a Bible, we recommend getting a New Living Translation (NLT) study bible.